Virtual Interview with Marinathe90sBarbie!

Virtual Interview with Marinathe90sBarbie!

Marina is a Barbie girl living in Greece and to say she is a huge Barbie lover and collector is most definitely an understatement! Marina shares her pink Barbie life and collection on her social platforms and dedicates her feed to all things Barbie!

As a huge Barbie fan, what made you decide to dedicate your social platforms to Barbie herself?

One of the most important factors for this was the sense of community! Although people in my inner circle know and respect my love for Barbie and my Barbie lifestyle, no one really shares it, and at some point I felt the need to find like-minded people. I believe we all wish to share what we love! Plus, Barbie's positive message and vibe was definitely something I wanted to share... I just wanted to create my own little Barbie world, where people who also feel the same way can be a part of it. To add another touch of positivity into the world. A happy escape if you will...For me and for anyone who wants to join!

What is it about Barbie that you love so much?

I could go on and on about this for days... I even have a whole video about it! Barbie has always been my ultimate source of inspiration. When people told me I couldn't do or be something, Barbie was there to show me the exact opposite. Her message was always that "anything is possible" and that " you can be anything", and that really awakened something in me. It inspired me to keep striving for my goals, for the things I want and to never compromise. And well, the full-on pink/pastel/sparkly aesthetic I experienced when I was little was definitely an initiative too. I've always been drawn to those things. What really made me so fascinated with Barbie was the fact that she could very much be a girly girl - like me - while also accomplishing all these amazing things. Become anything from a doctor to a mermaid and everything in between. Unfortunately, I've felt several times that people don't take me seriously because I still enjoy these things. That's why the whole Barbie logic really feels empowering to me! It's more than just a doll or an aesthetic; it's a whole inspiring lifestyle. Loving pink is definitely not a sign of weakness...

With over 40 thousand followers on Instagram and nearly 2000 subscribers on YouTube, how did you build up your following?

It's like I said at the beginning... It's all about the community. When I started collecting, which technically is my whole life, I felt like I was a bit alone in it... However, when I started sharing my love for Barbie on social media, I discovered that there is a whole world of people who love Barbie and dolls or toys in general. It's magical! I feel so lucky to be able to say that I have met so many amazing people through this journey - both from my country and from many other parts of the world - that I am proud to call my friends... In a way, Barbie brought us together! And again, in this day and age, I think we all pretty much need a little escape! 

Do you have a weekly schedule to help you plan out what content you are going to upload? 

Unless there is an event going on, like for instance MerMay this past month, for which I was posting almost every other day on my dollstagram account @marina90sbarbie, I usually post whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it, and especially whenever I find something really cute and related to Barbie!

How do you maintain a work/life balance alongside creating content for your social channels?

This can actually be a bit tricky because I work and I have my socials and, of course, a life beyond that. The combination of all of these more often than not means a very hectic schedule. What I try to do is be really honest about it and not pressure myself. I prefer to take breaks and post when I truly have the time to deliver the content I want to deliver, rather than posting anything just for the sake of it. This is something I love to do and I don't want it to become an added element of stress for me. So, I take my time!

What is your favourite type of content to produce?

That's a great question! Although I love all content that has to do with Barbie, I would say that the "twinning with Barbie" photos are some of the most fun! I sometimes like to draw inspiration from Barbie's style and then take pictures with the matching doll. It's fun and creative...You know, finding all the right pieces and creating a look similar to my favourite doll!

What/who inspires you?

Ummm....Barbie!!! Besides my ultimate idol, I'm always inspired by other strong women who aren't afraid to be themselves, as well as by strong women in my family.

How long does it take you to create content?

That depends on the type of content I'm creating each time! For example, photos of my dolls may only take a few minutes, while my YouTube videos can take anywhere from days to weeks to complete...

Now for some Barbie specific questions...

If you could create your own Barbie doll, what would she look like and most importantly, what would she be wearing?

This is another very interesting question. My Barbie doll would definitely be clad in pinks and pastels, with long, long hair, or a mermaid... I have a very special connection with mermaid dolls, because I have loved mermaids my whole life! I would want the doll to have a very realistic and yet magical tail design!

Which version of Barbie is your favourite and why?

I certainly do love Mermaid Barbie very, very much... But I can also genuinely say that I love all versions of Barbie for different reasons... I love the fashion-oriented Barbie dolls for the creativity and fun looks, the fantasy-themed Barbie dolls because they give me the opportunity to create my own magical worlds using my imagination, and of course the career dolls for the inspiration. I think all Barbie dolls today can convey meaningful, empowering messages and great aesthetics, so it's really hard for me to choose just one type! 

What's your favourite piece of Barbie merchandise that you own?

I can't say I have a favourite Barbie piece, because I really love them all, but my Barbie logo necklace is something I rarely part with!

As a lover of all things Barbie, what is one Barbie item you just couldn't live without?

Like I said, it's quite hard to pick just one...But I would have to go with my first Barbie - which is a mermaid btw - because I am really emotionally attached to this doll and I have so many memories from my childhood.

Back to content creation, what would you say is the easiest type of content to create?

I would say doll only content. It's much easier to create settings or even entire worlds on a smaller scale and it takes a lot less time, as I don't have to prepare to be in the shot as well, since I prefer to take my own photos and being in them too can be a bit of a challenge!

Favourite platform to create content for?

Instagram and then YouTube, for different reasons. These are the two platforms where I'm usually most active! I can't really pick one because they are intertwined. Instagram gives me the opportunity to create beautiful visuals, while YouTube enhances my connection with other people who also love Barbie. It's like chatting with friends sometimes.

What advice would you give to some one who wishes to start creating their own content?

To never be afraid that your content isn't good enough...When you create the content you love and not the content you think other people want to see, it will always be good and it will always reach the hearts of the right people.

Do you have any goals for 2022?

1. I would very much like to finish creating some Barbie displays that I never have the time to complete.

2. I would love to take better of myself and improve my sleep schedule. Sometimes daily life and responsibilities can get overwhelming.

3. To continue to create content that I love and is fulfilling!

Any final words of wisdom?

I know it may sound cliché or corny, but the wisest thing anyone can tell you is to be yourself, unapologetically! Whether that means loving Barbie or whatever your heart desires, regardless of what anyone thinks. In a crazy world like the one we live in, expressing ourselves, our interests and enjoying them to the best of our abilities is really important in my book...

Also, as my favourite Barbie says "P.A.C.E.", which stands for Positive Attitude Changes Everything. While it's definitely not always possible, I think that trying to see the best in life can be really healing! 


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